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Connecting Numbers to Roistat Calltracking

To use the replacement number in the Roistat calltracking, you need to:

  • Forward the number to the SIP URL
  • Transmit to Roistat the number of the caller (A-number)

Connection Settings

Step 1. Configure call forwarding from your number to SIP account from Roistat

  1. Enter the account of your replacement numbers provider.

  2. As the destination for call forwarding, specify the Roistat SIP account in the following format: your

Example:, where 11231111111 is the number you want to add.

Please note:

The active reverse is not available. Thus, you need to get from your provider if the passive reverse on the SIP account is available.

Step 2. Add your numbers to Roistat

There are two ways this can be done:

1. Configuring the number in the script
  1. Go to Calltracking → Scripts.
  2. On the Connect phone numbers step click the Add phone numbers button and specify one or several phone numbers.
  3. Save changes and go to step 3 of this instruction.

Please note:

  • If phone numbers are connected to the new script, they will be substituted on the website only after script activation.
  • If you use the active script, the replacement of phone numbers will start after you save the script by clicking the Save button.
  • The subscription fee for using your own number will be charged after you click the Save without enabling button or after you activate the script.
  • Phone numbers can be displayed in the Calltracking → Numbers section.
2. Connecting the phone number directly
  1. Go to Calltracking → Numbers.
  2. Click the Add numbers button, select Add own numbers and specify one or several numbers.
  3. To add the numbers to your project, click the Connect button. After this, the subscription fee will be written off from your balance.

Phone number formats

Phone numbers should be specified in the following format: 19995555555 (without spaces).

  • Go to Calltracking → Numbers.
  • Click Add numbers, select Add own numbers and specify one or several phone numbers.
  • The phone number should contain 11 digitals.
  • The phone numbers should be listed in the field using commas with spaces.

Please note:

  • If at least one of the phone numbers is specified wrong, Roistat will not connect all of them, and you will see an error message.
  • Number duplication is impossible. Roistat will not connect the duplicated numbers.

Step 3. Activate the script with your phone numbers

To make Roistat track the calls dialed on the added numbers, connect them to the script and activate this script.

Read more in Scripts and Replacement Numbers.