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Create or update clients

POST /project/clients/import

This method allows to create or update clients.

curl '' \
    --request POST \
    --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ 
    --header 'Api-key: {KEY}' \ 
    --data Request body - see below

Request Body:

        "id": "111",
        "name": "John",
        "phone": "78888888888",
        "email": "",
        "company": "company1",
        "birth_date": "1980-01-01",
            "segment": "1"
        "id": "222",
        "name": "Aria",
        "phone": "79999999999",
        "email": "",
        "company": "company2",
        "birth_date": "1990-01-01",
            "segment": "2"
    "status": "success"

Query String:

Parameter Type Description Required
project string Project number yes

Request Body:

Parameter Type Description Required
id string Client ID in CRM yes
name string Client's name yes
phone null or string Client's phone number (either phone or email can be specified) no
email null or string Client's email (either phone or email can be specified) no
company null or string Client's company name no
birth_date null or string Client's birth date no
fields object additional fileds and their values in the following format: "field_name": "value" no
Parameter Type Description
status string

Get a list of customers from Client Management

POST /project/clients

This method allows you to get a list of customers from customer management.

curl '' \
    --request POST \
    --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ 
    --header 'Api-key: {KEY}' \ 
    --data Request body - see below

Request Body:

    "filters": [
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0
    "clients": [
            "id": 7,
            "first_visit_date": null,
            "external_id": "105",
            "name": "Client Name",
            "phone": "79880002233",
            "email": "test@roistat.test",
            "first_order_date": null,
            "last_order_date": null,
            "order_count": 0,
            "revenue": 0,
            "profit": 0,
            "birth_date": null,
            "company": "",
            "comment": null,
            "client_url": "",
            "first_visit_marker": null,
            "first_visit_marker_alias": "",
            "first_visit_marker_icon": "",
            "first_visit_marker_alias_level_1": ""
            "id": 6,
            "first_visit_date": null,
            "external_id": "106",
            "name": "John",
            "phone": "79880002233",
            "email": "test@roistat.test",
            "first_order_date": null,
            "last_order_date": null,
            "order_count": 0,
            "revenue": 0,
            "profit": 0,
            "birth_date": null,
            "company": "",
            "comment": null,
            "client_url": "",
            "first_visit_marker": null,
            "first_visit_marker_alias": "",
            "first_visit_marker_icon": "",
            "first_visit_marker_alias_level_1": ""
    "total": 2,
    "status": "success"

Query String:

Parameter Type Description Required
project string Project number yes

Request Body:

Parameter Type Description Required
filters object no
and array[string] no
limit integer no
offset integer no
Parameter Type Description
clients array[object]
>> id integer client ID in Roistat
>> first_visit_date string or null dare of first visit
>> external_id string client ID in CRM
>> name string client name
>> phone string client phone
>> email string client email
>> first_order_date string or null date of first order
>> last_order_date string or null date of last order
>> order_count integer number of orders
>> revenue integer revenue from orders
>> profit integer profit from orders
>> birth_date string or null birthday
>> company string client company name
>> comment string or null
>> client_url string URL of client in the CRM
>> first_visit_marker string or null
>> first_visit_marker_alias string
>> first_visit_marker_icon string
>> first_visit_marker_alias_level_1 string
total integer
status string

Get the client feed: visits, events, orders, calls, interaction with the Lead Hunter

GET /project/clients/detail/feed

Use this method to get a specific client's feed: information on their visits, orders, order status changes, calls, triggered events, and interactions with the Lead Hunter.

curl '' \
    --request GET \
    --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ 
    --header 'Api-key: {KEY}'
    "feed": [
            "type": "visit",
            "visitId": "41028",
            "creationDate": "2021-11-10T14:05:12+0000",
            "sourceId": "instagram_stories",
            "device": {
                "os": "Mac 10.15 ",
                "os_icon": "",
                "agent": "Chrome 90.0 browser Blink",
                "agent_icon": "",
                "is_mobile": false
            "sourceTitle": "instagram → stories",
            "sourceIcon": ""
            "type": "order",
            "id": "order_41028",
            "name": "order_41028",
            "status": "0",
            "statusType": "progress",
            "statusTitle": "New",
            "revenue": 0,
            "formattedRevenue": "0 ₽",
            "cost": 0,
            "formattedCost": "0 ₽",
            "fields": {
                "status_name": "Pending payment",
                "Менеджер": "Jane Smith",
                "roistat": 41028
            "creationDate": "2021-11-10T14:28:59+0000",
            "updateDate": null
            "type": "event",
            "metaId": "5",
            "creationDate": "2021-11-10T14:08:08+0000",
            "name": "Opening the cart page"
            "type": "lead_hunter_appearance",
            "date": "2021-11-08T16:53:16+0000",
            "page": ""
            "type": "lead_hunter_caught",
            "date": "2021-11-08T16:55:16+0000",
            "page": ""
            "name": "Jane"
            "field": "71234567890"
            "status": "1"
            "order_id": "order_41028",
            "order_title": "order_41028",
            "type": "orderStatusChange",
            "status": "1",
            "statusType": "progress",
            "statusTitle": "In Progress",
            "date": "2021-11-11T06:28:59+0000"
            "order_id": "order_41028",
            "order_title": "order_41028",
            "type": "orderStatusChange",
            "status": "2",
            "statusType": "progress",
            "statusTitle": "Pending payment",
            "date": "2021-11-11T07:28:59+0000"
            "order_id": "order_41028",
            "order_title": "order_41028",
            "type": "orderCostChange",
            "cost": 1000,
            "formattedCost": "1000 ₽",
            "date": "2021-11-11T07:28:59+0000"
            "order_id": "order_41028",
            "order_title": "order_41028",
            "type": "orderPriceChange",
            "price": 1000,
            "formattedPrice": "1000 ₽",
            "date": "2021-11-11T07:28:59+0000"
    "status": "success"

Query String:

Parameter Type Description Required
project string Project number yes
client string Client ID (you can get it by using /project/clients or find it in the list of clients) yes

Response Body:

No parameters.

Parameter Type Description
feed array[object]
>> type string visit – if this type is specified, the array will contain visit data
>> visitId string Visit number
>> creationDate string Visit creation date in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> sourceId string Visit marker
>> device object Information about the device from which the visit was made
>>> os string Операционная система
>>> os_icon string OS icon link
>>> agent string Browser
>>> agent_icon string Browser icon link
>>> is_mobile boolean Parameter indicating whether the device is mobile: true – yes, false – no
>> sourceTitle string Human-readable visit marker
>> sourceIcon string Link to the visit source icon
>> type string order – if this type is specified, the array will contain order data
>> id string Order ID
>> name string Order name
>> status string Status ID in Roistat (you can get in by using /project/integration/order/list](/API/methods/orders/#list))
>> statusType string The group to which the status is assigned in Roistat: unused – «Not included», progress – "In progress", paid – "Paid", canceled – "Rejected"
>> statusTitle string Status title
>> revenue integer Order revenue
>> formattedRevenue string Order revenue with currency
>> cost integer Order cost
>> formattedCost string Order cost with currency
>> fields object Additional order fields and their values
>> creationDate string Order creation date in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> updateDate string or null Order update date
>> type string event – if this type is specified, the array will contain event data
>> metaId string Event ID in Roistat
>> creationDate string Event firing date in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> name string Event name
>> type string lead_hunter_appearance – if this type is specified, the array will contain data on the client's interaction with the Lead Hunter
>> date string Date of interaction with the Lead Hunter in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> page string The page where the client interacted with the Lead Hunter
>> type string lead_hunter_caught – if this type is specified, the array will contain data on caught leads
>> date string Lead creation date in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> page string The page where the lead was caught
>> name string Lead name
>> field string Entered phone number
>> status string Lead status: 1 – sent, 0 – not sent
>> type string orderStatusChange – if this type is specified, the array will contain information about the order status change
>> order_id string Order ID
>> order_title string Order title
>> status string Status ID in Roistat (you can get in by using /project/integration/order/list](/API/methods/orders/#list))
>> statusType string The group to which the status is assigned in Roistat: unused – «Not included», progress – "In progress", paid – "Paid", canceled – "Rejected"
>> statusTitle string Status title
>> date string Status change date in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> type string orderCostChange – if this type is specified, the array will contain information about the order cost change
>> order_id string Order ID
>> order_title string Order title
>> cost integer Changed order cost
>> formattedCost string Changed order cost with currency
>> date string Cost change date in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> type string orderPriceChange – if this type is specified, the array will contain information about the order price change
>> order_id string Order ID
>> order_title string Order title
>> price integer Changed order price
>> formattedPrice string Changed order price with currency
>> date string Price change date in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> type string call – if this type is specified, the array will contain data on client's calls
>> callee string Callee number
>> caller string Caller number
>> duration string Call duration in seconds
>> status string 1 out of 9 call statuses: ACTIVE – the call is in progress; ANSWER – the call was accepted and processed by the employee; BUSY – there was an incoming call, but the line was busy; NOANSWER – there was an incoming call, but it was not accepted by the employee within the answer waiting time; CANCEL – there was an incoming call, but it was ended before the employee answered; CONGESTION – the call failed due to technical issues; CHANUNAVAIL – the called number was not available; DONTCALL – the incoming call was canceled; TORTURE – the incoming call was redirected to the answering machine.
>> date string Call date in the following format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+0300
>> file_url string Call recording link
status string Request status

Get a list of emails in specific statuses

POST /project/clients/campaign/contact/list

This method allows you to get a list of emails in specific statuses: Sent, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Unsubscribed, Marked as spam. One or more statuses can be specified.

curl '' \
    --request POST \
    --header 'Content-type: application/json' \ 
    --header 'Api-key: {KEY}' \ 
    --data Request body - see below

Request Body:

    "metric_ids": ["sent"],
    "campaign_ids": [2]
    "data": [
            "contact": "",
            "metrics": {
                "sent": 1
            "contact": "",
            "metrics": {
                "sent": 1
            "contact": "",
            "metrics": {
                "sent": 1

    "count": 3,
    "total_count": 3,
    "status": "success"

Query String:

Parameter Type Description Required
project string Project number yes

Request Body:

Parameter Type Description Required
metric_ids array[string] Statuses for which you want to get emails: "sent"Sent, "delivered"Delivered, "opened"Opened, "click"Clicked, "unsubscribe"Unsubscribed, "spam"Marked as spam. One or more statuses can be specified. yes
campaign_ids array[integer] Campaign IDs for which you want to get emails. Campaign IDs are displayed in the list of campaigns in the ID column. One or more IDs can be specified. yes
Parameter Type Description
data array[object]
>> contact string Client's email
>> metrics object Object containing information about the selected statuses
>>> statusN integer Instead of statusN, the status specified in the metric_ids array is passed: "sent", "delivered", "opened", "click", "unsubscribe", or "spam". The value of the parameter is the number of emails in this status sent to the client.
count integer Number of query results within the limit
total_count integer Number of results regardless of the limit
status string Request status